The Tradeheights is no ordinary place. The miles coastline,
most of it a sheer drop to the rocky, crashing sea below, was home to a string
of towns and villages which had grown like weeds along the coast when Meurig Sheerwind
was growing up. Friendly trade began just a few years before he was born into
this world, trade to a place to the south that he hadd heard countless tales
of: Firalia. Trade with Firalia changed the pace of life on the Tradeheights,
and even deeper into this continent that the Firalians called Lyor (Meurig only
called it home, however). Thousands moved here, and it became a town where most
of the residents only dreamed of a little bit of gold in their paws.
It was this atmosphere that he grew up in and became
adapted to. No one race dominated Tradeheights, there were owlcats like Meurig,
creatures of the deep woods like the red squirrel tribesmen and the ferrets,
strange lizards from Firalia, all types of griffins, dogbats, exotic
sandy-coated foxes… All here for one purpose: to earn gold, silver and jewels
in the trade of goods. Some were less reputable than others, but issues more
serious than drunken brawls were almost unheard of.
The cliffs were steep , but trade was possible thanks to
small boats that ran from the cliffs to the ships, and the hand-pulled boxes that carried goods and creatures
up to the clifftops. Meurig’s family ran a tavern in the town of Valyx
providing him with a view of the creatures that passed through, from sailors
and traders to mages and crafters. By the time Meurig reached his 17th
year, he thought he’d seen it all. But he was wrong.
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